How we support you in project management

We assist you and your colleagues in exploring how to manage projects (more) effectively. Understanding that every organization has unique needs, we always customize our approach. No matter the level of project expertise, there’s always room for improvement. Where should we start in your organization? Who needs help and also has the desire and curiosity to explore further? You are in good hands.

Here are some examples of solutions we've developed for customers.

For (occasional) project managers

Practical foundational training

At some point, everyone leads a project, whether it's revising a procedure, writing a grant application, developing a new tool or service, or relocating. While common sense and dedication usually get you a long way, there are ways to accomplish these tasks more efficiently and effortlessly.

For experienced project managers

Advanced modules, expertly tailored

Seasoned project managers from ICT, facility services, or a strategic PMO, with years of experience, often have specific or more advanced learning needs. Involving these learners in designing their program and having experienced professionals deliver it is essential.

For steering committees and management teams

Short and powerful

Steering committees are vital to any project. They make key decisions, align the project with the organization's strategy, and ensure smooth operations. However, if they are ineffective, it can result in delays and frustration. Therefore, it pays to reflect on their performance.

For the PMO

Sounding board and partner

Congratulations on your new role as a Project Management Officer! Wondering about your next steps? Are you looking to standardize processes, help project managers enhance their skills, or aid in management decision-making? Don't forget to also build support and recognition as well. If it all seems overwhelming, don't worry. We're here to provide the guidance you need.

For strategic projects

Project coaching

As a project manager or change leader, there may be times when you require help with specific projects. Our project coaching is designed to provide this support. We tackle issues you face in your project or program, like preparing for crucial meetings, managing time, or handling resistance from stakeholders. We offer coaching to individuals and core teams.

How can we help you?

Share your story with us, we'd love to hear it and provide our thoughts.